Lenox Model New Home Under Construction in Bethesda

Our Lenox Transitional Style new home (already sold) is 98% complete in Bethesda.
If you’d like to take a tour email or call to set up a time.
Email info@paramountconstruction.net
call 301-370-6463


New home coming soon on 20,000 sf lot in Luxmanor
from $1.49M
Call 301-370-6463 to learn about prime Bethesda, McLean, Arlington,
Chevy Chase tear-down lots before anyone else.
Here’s a few:

  1. 6412 Dahlonega Rd. – Mohican Hills Bethesda 12Ksf lot – park behind and
    minutes to Crescent Trail
  2. 7008 Tyndale St. McLean 14Ksf lot – gorgeous rear yard
  3. West Chevy Chase 6,500 sf flat lot
  4. 9023 Lindale Rd. – Wyngate Bethesda
  5. 1 acre McLean – Langley HS
  6. Town of Somerset – 8,900 sf lot
  7. Greenwich Woods Bethesda 12ksf lot