Cool Mediterranean-Contemporary New Home 90% Complete

Take a look for your self:

Private tour this home call 301-370-6463 or email
Get early jump on the competition, here are just few new homes we’re planning now (none listed in MRIS yet) for 2014 starts:
*Bethesda Whitman/Pyle/Bradley Hills 11Ksf flat lot starting at $1.6M
*Bethesda Whitman/Pyle/Bradley Hills 8Ksf flat lot starting at $1.4M
*Falls Church 1 mile West Falls Church Metro 10Ksf flat lot starting at $940K
*N. Arlington Cherrydale starting at $1.1M
*Bethesda Whitman/Pyle/Bradley Hills 7500sf lot starting at $1.2M
*Bethesda WJ 9,600sf lot starting at $1.19M
*N. Arlington 10Ksf lot Yorktown HS starting at $1.45M
*N. Arlington 13Ksf lot Yorktown HS starting at $1.6M
*Chevy Chase BCC HS 9500sf lot starting at $1.3M
*McLean Langley HS 13Ksf lot starting at $1.24M
*McLean McLean HS 9400 sf lot starting at $1.1M

call 301-370-6463 for access to these and lots more new homes and tear down building lots before the competition sees these first.