Edgemoor community in Bethesda Maryland is one of the most sought after neighborhoods in Montgomery County.
Edgemoor is known for it’s cozy neighborhood feel, it’s walking distance to Bethesda shopping and dining and it’s private club available to residents of Edgemoor.
Finding a home for sale in Edgemoor can be challenging’ unless you know someone or have some special resources for finding homes for sale in Edgemoor before the property comes on the market.
We’ve found a great website that seems to have the inside track on desirable homes for sale in Edgemoor before the rest of the world knows. Check this out. Go to EdgemoorHomeForSale.com and you’ll be connected to a list of properties for sale in Edgemoor before most of the rest of the world ever knows.
Here is a floorplan we created for a home for sale in Edgemoor:
Be sure to check our site regularly since the new homes and home building lots for sale change frequently. Get early jump on the competition, here’s just a few new homes we’re planning now (list changes frequently). Prices include new home + lot:
McLean starting at $2,373,330 approx. 14Ksf lot
6412 Dahlonega Rd. Bethesda SOLD approx. 12Ksf lot