Watch this video of one of the 100’s of custom new home plans
we can build on a few tear-down Bethesda building lots we have
for sale:
We have a number of building lots we’re releasing in Bannockburn.
Here are two:
1. 6036 E. Halbert Road – 8,666 square feet – new home and lot starting at $1.36M
2. 7500 Glenriddle Road – 14,700 square feet – new home and lot starting at $1.39M
Stay tuned for the Glen Echo building lot.
It’s over 10,000 square feet. If you’d like to learn more about this lot,
email back to
and type in “yes, I’m interested in Glen Echo”.
These building lots are flat and can have walkout basements.
While the building lots are large enough for swimming pools,
you may want to join either pool club in the Bannockburn
neighborhood. One is Bannockburn Pool and the other is
The school cluster is Walt Whitman HS/Pyle MS and
Bannockburn ES.
Glen Echo Park is several blocks away and it’s
easy to get to the Crescent Trail and downtown
There are literally, 100s of new home plans we can build
and we have a number of contemporary new home plans
in addition to many Arts and Crafts home plans.
Here’s a Arts and Crafts new home we’ll b building on
another building lot at 5905 Aberdeen Road: