1. 7219 Marbury Ct. Bethesda 12K+ SF lot from $1.69M
2. 8225 Custer Rd. 12K+ SF lot from $1.59M (coming soon)
3. West Chevy Chase from $1.52M (coming soon)
4. 6412 Dahlonega Rd. Mohican Hills Bethesda 12K SF lot from $1.54M
5. Town of Chevy Chase 9K SF lot from $1.75M (coming soon)
6. 5908 Rolston Rd. Bethesda 8K SF lot from $1.38M
7. Battery Park Bethesda 12K SF lot from $1.69M (coming soon)
8. 7008 Tyndale St. McLean 14K SF lot from $1.34M
9. 6529 Elgin Ln. Bannockburn Estates Bethesda 15K SF lot from $1.63M
10. 9023 Lindale Drive Bethesda Wyngate 7,700 SF lot from $1.25M
11. Spring Valley N.W.D.C. 9K SF lot from $2.1M
12. 1 acre lot in Bethesda from $2.6M
Call 301-370-6463 for early access to complete building lot inventory