This is an ideal plan for in-town building lots.
Take a video tour here:
Hurry, be the first to see these building lots and new homes available now in the following areas:
1. Green Acres Bethesda – starting at $1.29M
2. Kenwood Park Bethesda- starting at $1.39M
3. Bradley Hills Bethesda- starting at $1.37M
4. Section Five Chevy Chase- starting at $1.79M
5. Falconhurst Potomac – starting at $3.89M
6. Chesterbrook McLean – starting at $1.39M
7. Wyngate Bethesda – starting at $1.189M
To find out how to access these lots go here and enter your name on the form and hit send
and we’ll contact you or call 301-370-6463 or email